GUIDE 2024

How to Write a Group Product Manager Resume [+ Examples]

Want to learn how to write a group product manager resume? Well, you’re in the right place.

Writing a great group product manager resume is your first step towards getting a group product manager job. It’s also the most important step of the job hunt. 

That’s because your resume is the first point of contact with recruiters. On top of that, it’s the tool that opens the interview doors for you. 

That’s why it’s crucial to expend extra effort when crafting your group product manager resume. That said, it’s not that easy to write a good resume. 

There are ways to optimize it and make it better, but you need to understand a few things to maximize your success rate. For example, using a general resume for every organization doesn’t work. 

A better way exists where you adjust your resume according to the industry and organization you’re applying to. 

Furthermore, other things like the resume format, content, and sections play a huge role too. Regardless, the number one rule is to have all your information on a single page. 

More than 95% of recruiters don’t bother going to page two of your resume. This is because they receive hundreds of resumes for a job. But a more adept perspective is that if the recruiter doesn’t like you from the first page of your resume, they’re not turning to the second page. 

That said, we have compiled this comprehensive guide to help you get all the information you need to craft an excellent group product manager resume. Here are a few things we talk about: 

  • A complete group product manager resume example to get you started 
  • Examples of abilities, skills, and qualifications you need to add 
  • Tips on writing a great resume and what not to do 
  • A full-length look into various sections of your group product manager resumes 

How to Write a Group Product Manager Resume 

A group product manager acts as a leader and manager for a group of products, also acting as a coach. This means that you’re reaching beyond the realm of simple product management. 

Most product managers have experience managing a single product or multiple smaller ones. However, a group product manager’s tasks concern entire product and business lines. 

That means companies looking for a group product manager are extra careful. Therefore, you have to ensure your resume is foolproof before applying for any group product manager position. 

To do this, you have to focus on two things. 

First, craft your resume around each organization’s pain points. This involves researching every company you intend to apply to. Figure out what their issues are, what challenges are they facing, and whether each other problems have a viable solution. 

Then, backtrack and take a look at your work experience. Have you ever tackled a similar issue in the past? If yes, what did you do to solve it? What was the result of your solutions? 

When you figure this out, make sure you talk about it when writing about your prior experience. That being said, find as many instances as possible where you have fixed an issue that is plaguing the company you’re applying to. 

Second, make sure every statement you make is tangible and quantifiable. Vague explanations seldom work. 

Do you have a proven track record of deploying a product strategy that increases revenue? 

If yes, mention that by providing specific examples and attaching numbers and percentages to show the impact of your work. Provide context to your achievements. 

What is the Best Group Product Manager Resume Format? 

There are three common resume formats: 

  • Reverse Chronological Format – This format lists your newer work experience first. 
  • Functional Format – This format starts off with your skills in a dedicated section. It’s not ATS compliant. 
  • Combination Format – This combines the other two formats by ensuring different sections. It is also ATS compliant. 

Every company today uses an ATS (Applicant Tracking System) to go through resumes. It helps minimize the time recruiters spend going through resumes. 

That’s because the ATS looks for specific keywords in the resume. This helps determine whether a resume is right for the job. 

That is why it’s crucial to include certain keywords that relate to the job you’re applying to. It’s best to take these from the job description. However, the keywords also need to show that you’re familiar with the common product manager lingo. 

For group product managers, some important keywords include cross-functional teams, competitive analysis, product marketing, brand management, product portfolio, product launch, multiple products, and project management, among others. 

However, over-optimizing your resume also leads to issues. Make sure your keyword usage is organic. A neat tip is to write your resume first and then add the keywords while you’re making the resume more concise. 

When it comes to the best format, always go for the combination resume format. 

What Sections Do I Need to Include in My Group Product Manager Resume? 

There’s a good chance that you’re using professional resume templates. They often come with a resume builder. Create your resume with an online resume builder but decide on your resume sections yourself. 

Here are the sections that need to be in your group product manager resume. 

Group Product Manager Professional Header 

A product management resume requires a professional header. It’s at the top but it’s okay to add some information in other sections. 

However, there are a few things that need to be part of the header. 

  • Your full name as it shows up in your socials and official documents 
  • Current title (Group Product Manager/Senior Group Product Manager) 
  • Email address 
  • Professional phone number 
  • Link to your LinkedIn profile 
  • Link to other assets, such as your portfolio and website 

If you’re looking for in-house jobs, it’s best to add your city and state too. 

Professional Work Experience 

Your next needs to be a detailed recap of your most recent work experience. It also needs to be the most relevant. If your most recent work experience is not relevant to product management, don’t add it. 

It’s important to choose the right work experience, considering that your goal is a one-page resume. Since you’re applying for a group product manager job, there’s a good chance of cutting off a lot of experience. 

Furthermore, the work experience you add needs to answer specific pain points of the organization you’re applying to. When you research each organization, you find certain issues, problems, and challenges they’re facing. 

They require a solution to those problems and that’s where you come in. If you already have experience solving such problems, make sure you mention it and provide information on the results. 

That said, here’s a list of information to include with each work experience entry: 

  • Your latest designation at the company, regardless of the job title 
  • Total time on the job, including your career progression over the years (if relevant) 
  • Notable achievements and the results 
  • Prior experience as a group product manager 

Keep in mind that these entries need to be keyword-intensive. 

Other Additional Sections 

For a better-looking resume, it’s best to add some additional sections if you have the space. Here are a few sections to add: 

  • Skills – Since it’s a combination resume format, it’s best to dedicate a section to skills. Include relevant product manager skills and make sure they reflect in your work experience. 
  • Certifications – In product management, showing renowned certifications goes a long way. 
  • Education – Add any formal education at the undergraduate or above level. However, only prioritize this section if your higher education is in product management or a related field. 
  • Interests – This section provides a little look into your personality. Keep it at a low priority. 
  • Language – Add this section if you speak more than one language. Also, explain your level of fluency. 

Moving on, let’s take a look at some group product manager resume examples. 

Group Product Manager Resume Experience Examples 

As a group product manager, the work experience is not dissimilar to a product manager’s experience. That means it’s okay to only include product management experience, if you’ve never had the title of group product manager before. 

That said, make sure the work experience shows your PM progress. How? 

Let’s say you’re including three different roles. The latest role needs to show that you have ample product manager experience and have the expertise to manage multiple products. 

The last role needs to show a basic understanding of product management. The second role shows your progress from the first role, and the latest role shows your progress from the second one. 

The idea is to provide a trajectory of your product expertise. That said, there is a way to write a summary of each entry in the work experience section. Here are a few things to keep in mind: 

  • Provide proof of your expertise by displaying tangible results 
  • Mention relevant problems and the solutions you implemented 
  • Provide proof of business development efforts and the ability to manage a strong and talented team 
  • Mention any marketing programs you have experience with 
  • Talk about the niche you’re good at, such as software development 

On top of that, it helps to provide details of activities beyond your job responsibilities. Did you deploy some internet marketing initiatives based on marketing mix strategies? Mention that, even though it’s beyond your job’s scope. 

This provides insight into any extra skills you have, such as online marketing expertise. 

This means you have the ability to work alongside a marketing manager, understand how a marketing strategy works, and have the know-how to manage marketing teams if required. 

Senior Group Product Manager Resume Experience Examples 

The senior group product manager position is for people who have ample experience handling multiple products. Therefore, a recruiter expects your resume to reflect that. 

That means you need to show how you got to this point. For example, if you have received a lot of promotions at a single organization, make sure you list all the job titles in order. 

This shows your career progress, how your responsibilities changed over time and your achievements at each stage. 

Other than that, here are a few things to keep in mind before writing a senior product manager resume: 

  • Focus on providing information on your methods for various responsibilities. For example, if you have to conduct market research, how do you do it? Provide an instance of it along with its impact 
  • Use the same title and name as you do on your LinkedIn and other professional profiles 
  • Ensure the resume is ATS-compliant 
  • Each entry needs to be relevant to the organization you’re applying to 

Furthermore, here are a few things recruiters look for in a senior group product manager resume: 

  • Total number of products and business units under your management 
  • All the teams under your wing, including a product management team, marketing teams, and business teams. Provide proof of your team management skills and communication skills 
  • Your management of internal and external stakeholders, including your process of providing direct reports 
  • Certain technical skills if you’re applying in the software industry 
  • Management of consumer brand experiences, customer relationship management, and risk management 
  • Strategic planning capabilities and the ability to deploy a product strategy, pricing strategy, and sales strategy 

Also, mention any business reviews and business plans, including any strategic business partners. 

Listing Group Product Manager Resume Skills 

Having a separate section for skills is a good idea, but only if you have the space. It’s important to provide proof and context of these skills in your work experience section. 

That said, emphasize on mentioning industry-related skills only. For example, strong presentation skills don’t play as well as analytical skills. 

It’s also possible that one company demands a certain set of skills while another demands a different set. For that reason, keep half the skills you mention as general skills while you tailor the other half according to the organization you’re applying to. 

Avoid being very specific when mentioning skills too. For example, being good at user acceptance testing is a skill, but it’s better to mention it in your work experience. Mention things like vendor management in the skills section. 

Listing Group Product Manager Resume Education 

Make sure the education section only contains basic pieces of information. That includes the name and location of your college, degree, field of study, graduation year, and GPA. 

This section is often the shortest one of the resume, and it’s best to limit it to a couple of lines. 

Emphasize on this section if you have a degree in product management or a related field. Further, emphasize if the organization you’re applying to requires formal education. 

Listing Group Product Manager Certifications 

Certifications help improve your credibility in product management. Having multiple product manager certifications also improves your resume tenfold. 

If you don’t have any formal education relating to product management, certifications allow the recruiter to understand you have a formal background. 

There are plenty of official product manager certifications available today. Here are three to get you started: 

Other than that, mention any additional PM courses under your belt. 

Product Manager Certification

Listing Product Management Achievements 

When you list achievements, you have to make sure they validate your skills and expertise. They also need to provide quantifiable numbers and tangible proof. 

For example, avoid such a vague statement: 

Improved the market share by introducing new business opportunities according to current market trends. 

It provides no indication of your process and the results. Here’s an alternative: 

I helped target market segments based on user feedback and customer needs by improving sales operations according to specific customer requirements, leading to a 150% increase in sales and 30% cost savings. 

This statement shows your understanding, process, and results. 

Group Product Manager Resume Example 

There are tons of product manager resume templates online that nail the format and sections. Here’s an example that we like. 

Credit: ResumeWorded


Group Product Manager Resume Example 

Finding the right template for your group product manager resume is hard. Check this example we found online to help you narrow your options down. 

This is a one-page resume that introduces each section in the right order. The only additional thing here is a resume summary. 

It’s also possible to add a career objective here. However, it’s possible to remove this section and include more information in work experience section. 

Group Product Manager Job Application Experience 

There’s a good chance that you’re applying to a limited number of organizations. That means it’s important to tailor every resume according to the company you’re applying to. 

This ensures that you receive a response from the recruiter. To further improve your chances of success, research the organization in-depth, network with some internal stakeholders, and optimize the work experience section. 

How Many Pages Does Your Group Product Manager Resume Need to Be? 

As mentioned before, it’s best to keep your resume limited to a single page. 

Most recruiters don’t turn to page two of a resume. Plus, if you make it easier for a recruiter to go through your resume, it’s better for you. 

Five Group Product Manager Resume Tips 

Here are five resume writing tips to allow you to craft a converting group product manager resume. 

1. Only Add Relevant Experience 

It’s important to only add work experience that’s relevant to the job. There’s a good chance that you have some work experience that’s not related to product management. 

However, to make sure your resume remains on a single page, it’s important to keep work experience concise. Furthermore, it also makes it easier for recruiters to go through your resume. 

2. Use Appropriate Keywords 

Since almost every organization uses an ATS today, it’s crucial to use the right keywords. This is the only way an ATS passes your resume to the recruiter. 

Furthermore, it also ensures that you mention the right points throughout your work experience section. 

3. Make Sure the Professional Title Matches the Job 

When applying to different companies, it’s safe to expect they have different job title for the same page. It’s a good idea to adjust your professional title based on the job you’re applying to. 

4. Mention Relevant Freelance Experience 

If you experience managing products as a contractor or freelancer, it’s best to mention that too. Include tangible results of your efforts too. 

However, if you have more impressive full-time roles, focus on those. 

5. Highlight Relevant Skills 

There’s a good chance that you have a wide skill set at this point. However, it’s not important to add all of them. 

Only focus on general skills and some skills relevant to the job you’re applying to. 

Group Product Manager Resume Don’ts 

Here’s what to avoid while writing your group product manager resume. 

1.Mention Skills First 

Your first priority always needs to be your work experience. Therefore, your resume needs to start with your work experience, followed by other sections like the skills, education, and certification sections. 

2. Hide Employment Gaps 

If there are any employment gaps during your career, make sure you address them. Provide some sort of explanation because most recruiters notice gaps, even if they’re small. 

Addressing them within your resume saves you both some time. 

3. Include Your Address 

Whether you’re looking for a remote job or an in-house role, your address has no place on your resume. If the resume is for an in-house role, adding your city and state suffices. 

Where to Apply with Your Group Product Manager Resume? 

It’s safe to say that your focus is on a certain niche of products. This entails that you pick specific places to apply. 

However, finding those places is a hard task. You’re better off networking with peers on LinkedIn and several product communities. 

That opens you up to relevant business opportunities. 

Key Takeaways and Summary 

Looking back at this guide, the following is a summary of what to do when writing your resume: 

  • Use a combination resume format 
  • Design a professional header that provides relevant information 
  • Add work experience relevant to the job you’re applying to 
  • Ensure ATS compliance 
  • Focus on mentioning relevant product manager certifications 

A custom-tailored resume not only ensures that it passes the ATS but also leaves a good impression on the recruiter. 

Optimize your group product manager resume, proofread it, and let some peers take a look at it before submitting it. 

Josh Fechter
Josh Fechter
Josh Fechter is the co-founder of Product HQ, founder of Technical Writer HQ, and founder and head of product of Squibler. You can connect with him on LinkedIn here.